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Maka-Maka cover Maka-Maka
by Kishi Torajiro, 2 volumes | adult
| finished and dropped

A modern, all-color adult manga. It was serialized online at http://www.digi-tora.com/ (no longer up).
Some of the chapters are just about sex, often in public places, but that isn't all Maka-Maka is about. It's about having someone who tells you your skin looks beautiful in the moonlight, someone who looks out for you and wants you to look out for yourself by having safe sex. It's about having someone who calls you the night of your birthday, when you're feeling down because you just slept with a guy who turned out to be a jerk, and thanks you for being born because she's so happy to have met you.
What is Maka-Maka about? It's about Jun and Nene.
This manga has been licensed by Media Blasters. If you like the manga, please buy it from them when it comes out!
A note for French speakers: a commercial French-language edition of this manga is being put out by Delcourt.

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